Capital letters

Capital letters

There are four types of casings:

  1. Lowercase (for example, adult learning principles).
  2. Title case (for example, Resource Development).
  3. Uppercase (for example, TAFE).
  4. Sentence case (for example, Update all deliverables at the end of each day).

Use minimal capitalisation and only where necessary.
Capitals should also be used for the names of particular people, places and things (proper nouns). Use capitals if the word names a particular object and lower case if it is a general reference.

Common noun

Proper noun




TAFE Queensland




Instructional Design Style Guide

For example:

  1. The Queensland State Training Authority meets regularly with representatives from the hospitality industry to discuss vocational education and training.
  2. Representatives from state training authorities around Queensland meet regularly.
  3. For more information, contact the call centre at the Department of Education, Training and Employment.
  4. For more information, contact the department's call centre.

Use minimum capitalisation for the titles of publications, documents and procedures.
Use capital letters for the following.

Capital letters


Departmental conventions

Certificate III in Business Administration

Program names

Showcase Awards for Excellence
Queensland Training Awards

Names of nationalities, races, peoples and inhabitants of a particular area of a country

Aboriginal people, Pitjantjatjara

Language groups


Specific reference to a particular organisation or institution (lower case when generic)

The University of Queensland look part and each university had its say

Specific reference to a particular government (lower case when generic)

The Queensland Government supports government funding

Geographical and political designations and names of recognised geographical regions


Names of buildings, structures and public places

World Trade Centre

Religions and the names of deities

Christian, Moslem, God, Allah, Brahma

Regular ceremonies and gatherings

Commonwealth Games, the State of Origin match, the Easter Parade

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