Review tips
Review tips
Before sending for MM build, some recommendations include the following points.
Print and proofread the ID documents before going to the MM:
- Print, review and mark up with coloured pens.
- Edit online or scan the marked-up version.
- Use the current version and keep the latest on G drive.
(Remember also to keep a copy of the original material from the Teacher/Content Writer in a separate, shared RD folder.)
Review in peace:
- Find a place away from distractions.
- Perhaps use headphones with music that will not distract you.
Read aloud:
- This is critical for scripts and dialogue.
- Reading aloud also helps with the grammatical flow – we naturally know how language flows when we speak (for example, a versus an).
Use program tools:
- This helps iron out spelling inconsistencies (ensure Language settings are correct). Microsoft Word also gives helpful grammar recommendations (right-click on the green line in order for the full recommendation to display).
- Use the Find and Replace function to find and replace trouble words/phrases.
- You may also need to carry out a Find and Replace for double-spaces, as the standard is for only one space after full stops.
Peer review:
- Trade time with another ID (they review your unit, you review theirs).
Seek clarification:
- Identify situations where the Teacher/Content Writer/MM/Reviewer may have made inconsistent or incorrect edits.
- Tactfully raise, do not just blindly accept these inconsistencies.
Clean up and double-check:
- Ensure all unresolved questions/issues from Teacher/Content Writers have been resolved. Use red text or highlights to show any amendments.
- Keep a log of any open issues from the Teacher/Content Writer reviews and check on their status regularly.
- Fix Teacher/Content Writer inconsistencies in their reviews and tidy up to meet our standards first (eliminate abbreviations or slang they may have inserted).
- Double-check words, terms, spelling, casing, spacing in images, graphics or other formats where spell checking may not be possible.
Use these standards:
- Remind yourself about the standards at the beginning of the unit (perhaps have a browse through the ID Style Guide to see what may have changed since your last unit).
- Make a list of standards items applicable to your course (for example, casing, terms) and add them to the ID Style Guide.
Keep track of common mistakes:
- A do's and don'ts list can sometimes help, particularly where there are multiple units with similar content and multiple IDs (again, add these to this ID Style Guide).
- If something has been identified in a review, double-check and apply to all topics or units.
After sending for MM build, consider the following guidelines.
Complete ID review and log issues via JIRA:
- Ensure all points from Teachers/Content Writers, MMs and other reviewers have been implemented (check them off).
- Highlight any points you have not been able to action yet and identify reasons (for example, you may need to follow up potential standards or template issues with others).
Know the reviewing schedule:
- Know who is reviewing your document and when they have availability.
- If you get the documents/materials to them on time, you have a better chance of receiving it back on time.
- Make sure you send them a notification that the review is ready using JIRA.
Plan your own time:
- Set a contingency date for completion (earlier than actually needed).
- Allow time to incorporate edits.
- Plan extra time for those tricky topics.
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