Validation is a critical component of the development and continuous improvement of TAFE Queensland's assessment processes and practices. TAFE Queensland conducts validation activities in two stages, including pre-delivery: during the design and development of assessment tools and/or third party purchase/licence.
To ensure the assessment tasks that have been developed for Master Product are high quality, TAFE Queensland engages a suitability qualified expert to undertake a validation exercise during the design and development of assessment tools to ensure they meet the requirements of the relevant training package or vocational education and training (VET) accredited courses prior to use.
The Validator is required to validate all assessment provided using the Validation Report form (Part A), and document findings and action validation outcomes (Part C). Where the validation identifies that the assessment tools do not meet the unit of competency, detailed feedback must be provided to enable rectifications to be completed. The Validator is also required to review the Assessment Mapping Matrix prepared to confirm its accuracy.
Is it the Validators responsibility to review the information provided to ensure that assessment developed:
Complies with the assessment requirements expressed in the relevant training product/unit of competency (i.e. contexts, conditions and methods of assessment);
- Would confirm that all of the knowledge and skills described in a training product would be assessed;
- Meets the principles of assessment and rules of evidence;
- Reflects real work-based contexts, current industry practice and meets industry requirements;
- Are appropriate in terms of the level of difficulty of the tasks to be performed in relation to the skills and knowledge requirements of the unit;
- Provides sufficient instruction to the student to clearly explain the specific tasks to be undertaken;
- Are well designed and formatted, with instructions and questions that are clear and concise; and are written using inclusive language;
- Reflects the right level complexity and are appropriate to the AQF level;
- Are appropriate to the LLN (core skill) requirements of the training specification;
- Provided sufficient instructions for the assessor on collecting evidence, making a judgement, and recording the outcomes of the assessment;
- Included information about the criteria being used to judge the quality of performance;
- Were supported by assessment marking guides that are well written and have adequate information benchmarked to current industry standards;
- Assessments are not over assessing (as a guide use elements to help structure the questions ensuring knowledge and performance evidence are holistically covered in the questions.)
Refers to the TQ FSA Guide to Validation of Assessments (if required).
Validation Report Template
Using the Validation form, complete section A & C only at this stage and email to the designated person and put your Qualification code as the subject line.
Validation Process Guides
For more information on the Validation process please refer to the following links