CW: Developing Content
Connect Writer's Template
Here is the template for Writing content for Connect: Content Template
Here is the template for writing a print learner guide: Print Learner Guide Template
All reference materials must be citied using APA 6 - Reference List Example
Connect Writer's Template
There are a number of panels that can be used in your content so that certain information stands out and is easily accessible for the learner. These panels can be cut and pasted into your content storyboard as required and panel instruction modified as neccessary. When linking out to videos, weblinks etc always provide an instruction to learner as to why they are linking out .
Here are all the panels you can use within your content for Connect : Panels
Copying Text
When copying any text you are required to adhere to the legal requirements - see Copyright Considerations for Content Writers.
More Information
Visit these pages for more information on developing content:
- Writing for Online Resources
- How does this translate to Connect?
- Instructional Design Style Guide
- Abbreviations
- Acronyms
- Active voice versus passive voice
- Activity headings
- American English versus Australian English
- Apostrophes
- Australian standards
- Bold
- Brackets
- Bullets and lists
- Capital letters
- Colons
- Commas
- Commonly misspelt words
- Commonly misused words
- Clear and concise
- Cliches
- Consistency
- Contractions
- Currency
- Dashes
- Dates
- Emphasis
- Ending in a preposition
- Ellipsis
- Equations
- Exclamation marks
- Full stops
- Forward slash
- Grammar, punctuation and formatting
- Heading Titles
- Hyphens
- Inclusive writing
- Italics
- Lead-in sentence
- Nouns versus verbs
- Numbers
- Objectivity
- Plain English (DET)
- Prefixes
- Presenting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Punctuation in quote marks
- Quote marks
- Readability
- Redundancy (DET)
- Review tips
- Semi colons
- Sentence structure
- SI Units
- Spelling
- Subject-verb agreement
- Tautologies
- Temperature
- Tense
- Time
- Titles and modes of address
- Tone
- Trade names