ConnTools Unit Mapping Tool
This tool allows you to search for Connect Delivery Offerings and map them against SMS Availabilities.
Basic instructions:
Use the fields to filter the list of Offerings as required.
Select the Offering Name you wish to map:
Offerings are in alpha order
as per normal dropdowns, you can type to narrow down the item you’re looking for
the number in brackets after the offering name is the number of UAs already mapped. This number updates every couple of hours, so won’t be immediately accurate.
On selection, the Selected Unit Details panel will populate. If you have already mapped Avls to this unit, the Program and Competency fields will pre-populate, and the matching Avls are listed.
Use the Programs and Competencies fields to search/update the list of Avls.
These fields have lookup functionality - a minimum of three characters are required to initiate the lookup.
You can enter a pipe | to load multiple Programs and Comps to the search (the lookup will only operate on the first value you enter)
Note: The system isn’t smart - it doesn’t limit Programs/Comps shown to present Avls and matching Programs/Comps.
Use the Mapping Status toggle to map/unmap. THIS APPLIES IMMEDIATELY.
Where a mapping has already been made to a different unit, a ‘warning’ orange is used. A dialog will appear to ensure you are sure you wish to unmap.
Extra: you can click the AvlKeyNo to view a popup of the AvlKey details.
Mappings made using this tool will set the UnitName, UnitCode, and Connect Master fields automatically in the CCT mapping data. It will also append the notes fields with ‘*Loaded from ConnTools Mapping Tool’.
The process to check for new mappings and enrol students now runs every 5 minutes (on the hour, five past the hour, etc).
This means that mappings made using any tool, including this one, will be acted on soon after they are made.
We are always open to these timings being discussed. Presently they run at speed in an attempt to ensure the best student experience, but we can adjust to get the correct balance between students in units and admin accuracy as required.