Demonstrating ConnTools - How to de-identify/obfuscate the data
Due to CyberSec concerns, we have been asked to restrict the identifiable data displayed on-screen when demoing ConnTools. To cater for this we’ve updated ConnTools to obscure plain text Names and Usernames using a CSS blurring effect.
To enable this effect, use the parameter ‘obfuscate=1’ on the ConnTools homepage.
This will then blur student/teacher names eg.
To disable, just enter any other value than 1
Names etc will remain visible in CSV exports.
Names will remain as plain text in the html, which can be viewed in the browser or saved out as an html file.
This setting is specifically aimed at obscuring data for face-to-face and screen-sharing demonstrations and for screen captures in documentation and is not indented as a solution for allowing direct access to third parties etc.