Automated RC checks and link updates for Offerings

Automated RC checks and link updates for Offerings

A backend process runs every 15 minutes to check/set the following in new student-facing units:

  • Release Conditions to hide the Assessments and Discussions modules (should they exist) for roles:

    • Student PreSOS and

    • Student COS

  • Hardcode the OrgUnitId in the link to the Glossary in Supplementary Information (and elsewhere if a Topic link is found, however Content is not checked)

  • Create a link to the Turnitin Draft Assignment summary screen for units containing the Turnitin module

  • Correct the links to the Unit Overview and Unit Study Guide modules in CMUF Announcements:

    • Educators please note and

    • Welcome

For a unit to be identified for processing, it must:

  • Exist in the Course Copy Log (ie. the unit has had at least one import process run against it)

  • Exist as a Created mapping in the CCT data

  • Have at least one student enrolled.

These checks are in place to prevent the secondary import process from running against master offerings, PD units, etc.

Once a has unit has been checked and processed once, it won’t be processed again, though there is scope for this as a future change if required.


  • The Release Conditions on the noted modules should be in place in State Master and Regional Master units, however checking/setting again is still in place as a double-check.

  • The Glossary link is set to Hidden in State Master if there is no glossary in the Master. The secondary import process will still check/set the link while leaving it hidden.

  • Glossary links to an OrgUnitId other than the OrgUnitId of the containing unit will be also be corrected.

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