Preferred Name handling

Preferred Name handling

Every so often (@Shelley Towner do we know how often now?), our identity provider refreshes existing user accounts in Connect.
This ensures email addresses and other details remain accurate as per the data in the SMS.
Unfortunately, their process mishandles the setting of Legal and Preferred names causing us to have to continually check and repair for students who have preferred names defined in the SMS.

Two processes handle this:

  1. Check Priority Student FirstName_PrefNames in Connect.
    This process runs every 1 minute.

  2. Check Students For Preferred Names.
    This process runs every 30 minutes.

Note: Neither of these processes checks preferred surnames.

Check Priority Student FirstName_PrefNames in Connect

This checks/sets students identified in a discreet database table based upon student and teacher feedback that these students much have 100% accurate data in Connect at all times (or as close to that as possible).

Membership of the database table behind this process is via manual addition, and numbers are kept low to ensure swift execution.

As of 5/4/2022, there are three students identified in this table.

Check Students For Preferred Names

This process pulls student data from ScratchLive and checks/updates Connect as required.

To reduce the number of checks necessary, the query used filters to a subset of students (this query was created via consultation with the SMS team and has not been adjusted since initial loading in 2020) who can be considered as active students of concern.

To be included in the resulting dataset, students must:

  • be ADM at Course level,

  • have at least one ENR at Unit Level,

  • where they are ENR at Unit level, have Unit start/end dates of -21 days to +14 days from today,

  • have a defined preferred first name, and

  • where the preferred first name is different from their legal name.

The resulting students are then checked in Connect via the API to ensure their preferred first names are set correctly.

At 1pm on 5/4/2022, this query captured 19080 students for checking.


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