Orientation Unit Enrolments
All regions are now using an EdTech (Corp) managed enrolment process to provision students into their local Orientation units.
The orientation enrolment process is Core Backend Processes number 5 and typically runs between 5 and 6 am each morning.
Students are enrolled into a region's current orientation unit 14 days prior to the start of their Course and removed 14 days after they have completed their studies.
A separate process handles the actual enrolment/unenrolment of the students from their Orientation unit. This process is quite swift but due to volume at peak periods, it may take up to 30/45 minutes for all students to be processed.
The details of the ruleset used are:
Student is ADM (Admitted) at course level (Course Availability) and has at least one ENR (Enrolled) at unit level (Unit Availability)
Student Unit Availability AvlOwningOrgUnitCd = one of TQBN, TQGC, TQNT, TQST, TQSW, TQTOL, TQEC
Student Unit Availability AvlLocCd In Region Location Codes Range ie. 200-299 (TQB), 300-399 (TQGC), 400-499 (TQN), 500-599 (TQST), 600-699 (TQSW), 700-791 (TQEC), 792 (TQTOL)
AvlOwningOrgUnitCd and AvlLocCd must align
Today >= Student Course Availability AvlStartDate - 14 days
Today <= Deactivation Date - 46 days (ie. they are removed from the Orientation unit 14 days after they are considered to have completed their students. See the Student Deactivation Date page for complete details re: course completion and deactivation)
Students in the SMS who do not fall into the above segment are not enrolled in an Orientation Unit.
Students currently in the Orientation Unit who do not fall into the above segment are removed from the Orientation Unit.
Declaration Grade Items:
Students who have completed the declaration in a Regions previous Orientation unit will have their declaration grade items copied from previous to current.
Declaration grade items are not presently copied from earlier Orientation units.
University of Canberra, Federation University, Southern Cross University, Le Cordon Bleu and PMTS students are excluded from enrolment into Orientation units.
These exclusions are handled by ignoring enrolments for students in Courses with a Study Package Id of DUNIC16, FEDUNIACC, LCBACC-15, LCBACC-21, LCBACC-27, SCUNIACC AND (for PMTS) any SpkId starting PMTS or with a suffix of -PM.
REMINDER :- If a student enrolment meets the criteria above and they are not being enrolled or withdrawn from the unit by the managed enrolment process, please check that your region has the correct settings on the Orientation Unit Management page in ConnTools.