Vocational Specialist - Business, IT and Retail
Vocational Specialist Role
The role of the Vocational Specialist (VS) is a vital one in the development of quality teaching and learning resources and assessments. Your role requires you to be familiar with the training package requirements, the unit content and ideally with best practice in educational instruction in an online environment.
Your responsibilities include reviewing existing resources and regularly liaising with the content writer (CW) to ensure they are progressing as planned, all within tight timelines.
Key Responsibilities:
- High volume of content review, constructive feedback and validation.
Mandatory Requirements:
- Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) or equivalent
- Current content area expertise to provide appropriate support
- Excellent communication and organisational skills with a focus on reliability
- Meets availability criteria including response deadlines.
Project Management Tasks
You have been set up in Clarizen which is our Project management system and you will be required to log your time for all Vocational specialist work completed. You should have received a Welcome email from Clarizen, so please check your junk mail, as this will have your login details.
You will be required to perform the following
Assessment Mapping Matrix
When you are reviewing the Assessment mapping matrix document for your units, ensure that the SPOT template has been used. We require an assessment mapping matrix for every unit of competency.
Having crosses or ticks in the columns is not sufficient. The question number needs to be against what it is covering in the unit of competency. A practical observation/task however may use ticks/ crosses as it may be hard to identify where something is particularly addressed. We also require every and all Performance criteria, Required Skills, Required Knowledge, Critical Aspect of Evidence or more recent version of each of these (some units have been updated) to have at least one item of assessment address them.
On reviewing assessment docs it is important to ensure all assessments have been addressed in the mapping matrix. If something is missing in the assessment mapping matrix or not filled in completely then it needs to be identified so that it can be corrected by the CW.