Business Assessment Validations
Welcome to the Validation panel.
It is the responsibility of the validator/validation panel to undertake validation activities prior to delivery and during the design and development of assessment tools to ensure they meet the requirements of the training package or vocational education and training (VET) accredited courses prior to use. The Validation Team will validate the assessment using the Validation Report form, and document findings and action validation outcomes.
Is it the Validators responsiblity to check that
- Assessment criteria is adequate
- Assessments are written to the appropriate AQF Level of the qualification
Assessments are not over assessing (as a guide use elements to help structure the questions ensuring knowledge and performance evidence are holistically covered in the questions.)
Refers to the TQ FSA Guide to Validation of Assessments (if required).
Validation Report Template
Using the Validation form, complete section A & C only at this stage and email to and put your Qualification code as the subject.
Validation Process Guides
For information on the Validation process please refer to the following links
Validation Process Explained - Powerpoint
SPOT Validation Fact Sheets and Templates
For more information regarding the Validation process please contact