SMS StudentUnitCourse Status v Connect Enrolment Status
Enrolment Processes
Tech One
The T1 SMS Integration ‘push’ occurs every 10 minutes. This process enrols students into mapped units throughout the day.
At busy periods, the process may take longer than 10 minutes causing delays in the timing of subsequent batches.
EdTech Backend Processing
As a backup to the T1 process, an additional EdTech-managed process also runs every 5 minutes to create, and enrol students into Hubs and Offerings throughout the day.
This process relies on an API route to retrieve enrolment data from the SMS.
Course level enrolments
Students are enrolled into mapped Course Hubs once they are fully admitted into a course ie. their SMS Course Stage Code is ADM.
If a Course Hub is Active and the Start Date is null or in the past, students will be able to access the Course Hub as long as they have an active network account.
Students are enrolled using the Student role. The PreSOS role is not used with Course Hub enrolments.
Unit level enrolments
The SMS.StudentUnitCourse table details a Student’s status in each of their Unit Availabilities.
The following ruleset will be used to check/set a student's enrolment status in Connect each morning.
Date-based changes (Withdrawals, Pre-SOS and COS) are handled separately, please see for details.
Notes: This table and ruleset are built from all existing states in the SMS as of 8/6/2020.
UnitStageCd | UnitStageDesc | UnitSttsCd | UnitSttsDesc (SSP Status) | Present Enrolment Status | Updated Enrolment Status | Notes |
ADM | Admitted | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a |
CANC | Cancelled | CANC | Cancelled | n/a | n/a |
COMP | Completed | ADVNG | Advanced Standing Not Granted | n/a | n/a |
COMP | Completed | CR | Credited | Student | Student COS |
COMP | Completed | EX | Exempt | Student | Student COS |
COMP | Completed | FAIL | Failed | Student | Student COS |
COMP | Completed | PASS | Passed | Student | Student COS |
COMP | Completed | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a |
ENR | Enrolled | ENR | Enrolled | Student COS | Student* | Updated only if COS date not yet reached. |
ENR | Enrolled | PASS | Passed | Student | Student COS |
ENR | Enrolled | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a |
OFF | Offered | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a |
PLN | Planned | ADVUA | Advanced Standing Under Assessment | n/a | Student |
PLN | Planned | PASS | Passed | n/a | n/a |
PLN | Planned | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a |
PLN | Planned | WD | Withdrawn | n/a | n/a |
Initial Student enrolment handled by T1 integration. Subsequent Student enrolments are to correct Swap/Drops and other errors only.