Self-check Questions

Self-check Questions

Create quiz questions from the examples below, and make sure you supply the correct answers and clear instructions for the student.  These question types can all be combined into a single quiz, and are in the content template for you to use.

Add a title and general instructions for the quiz: Title: Topic 1 Self-Check Quiz (optional); Instructions: Please answer the following question/s:

Then create questions from these examples:

Question Type: True/False:

Q1: True or false: The black cat is black.


  • True* (Denote the correct response with an asterisk)
  • False

Feedback: This is true (If a generic feedback is specified it will be shown for both the correct and incorrect response)

Feedback correct: Correct. The black cat is indeed black

Feedback incorrect: Incorrect. The black cat is black.

Question Type: Multiple Choice:

Q2: What does the term saliva refer to? Select the correct answer:

  • A watery substance located in the mouths of organisms.* (Denote the correct response with an asterisk) - Feedback: Correct. Saliva refers to a watery substance located in the mouths of organisms. 
  • A psychoactive plant - Feedback: Incorrect. Saliva refers to a watery substance located in the mouths of organisms, salvia is the psychoactive plant.
  • A rear wheel drive Japanese sports car - Feedback: Incorrect. Saliva refers to a watery substance located in the mouths of organisms; Sylvia is the Japanese sports car.

Feedback: (Multiple choice questions can provide answer specific feedback, or generic feedback can be supplied instead.)

Question Type: Multiple Choices:

Q3: Which of the following options are colour names? Select all correct answers that apply:

  • Potato
  • Blue* (Denote the correct response with an asterisk)
  • Red* (More than one answer needs to be correct in a multiple choices question otherwise use multiple choice.)
  • Chutney

Feedback: (Only generic can be supplied)

Question Type: Cloze /Gapfill: 

Q4: Complete this sentence by selecting the correct answers from the drop down lists:

The [quick] brown [fox] jumped over the [lazy] [dog] (The words contained in square brackets [ ] will be mixed up and presented in a dropdown list in a random order. Each instance of the square brackets will be replaced by the dropdown list.).


Question Type: Text Entry:

Q5: Explain briefly how you would deal with the patient in the case study about Ruby that you have just read.

A: Full feedback required for answer.

Other question types:

While all of the question types at left can be combined in a set of questions or quiz, the following question types cannot and each will need to be a self-check activity of its own.

Type: Matching

Instructions: Please match the following zones to their correct type:



Green Zone

Clean zone

Red Zone

Contaminated zone

Orange Zone

Treatment zone

White Zone

Staff room

Type: Sortable

Instructions: Drag the items on the right up and down to match them to corresponding items on the left:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Item 1

Sortable 1

Item 2

Sortable 2

Item 3

Sortable 3

Item 4

Sortable 4

Type: Drag and Drop

Instructions: Drag and drop the draggable items into their correct buckets:

Draggable Text or Image

Bucket Text or Image

Draggable Text or Image

Bucket Text or Image

Draggable Text or Image

Bucket Text or Image

Draggable Text or Image

Bucket Text or Image


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