This section contains information for assessment setup of a unit. Assessment can vary widely from unit to unit but the intent of the standard in Master Product is:
To provide examples of how to setup a range of assessments and grades (which if unused will need to be deleted before release).
To ensure that Master Product is released with assessments and grades properly set up.
To provide a standard approach for teaching purposes and ease of subsequent editing should changes be required.
Assessment Module - Conditional Release Settings
The Assessment Module requires the following conditional releases to ensure students only have access to this module during the study period:
Not enrolled in current org unit as the role: Student PreSoS (Pre-Start of Study)
Not enrolled in current org unit as the role: Student CoS (Close of Study)
All selected conditions must be met.
Creating Assessment
In the assessment module, the standard approach is to:
Place all assessment at the top-level module, not sub-module. The exception to this is where you might need to apply conditional release/s.
Place generic technical instructions in the assessment module description field. (HTML provided in appendix). This may be edited or appended as required.
Add assessment topics as required and ensure that each assessment task, typically a written assignment (aka dropbox) is created twice within the framework and placed in the assessment module – a first and second attempt (e.g. titled as “Assessment Task 1 – Written (Attempt 1)” and Assessment Task 1 – Written (Attempt 2)”) and that both attempts are linked to the appropriate grade items (refer to the section “Grade Items”).
Assessment naming is to match the naming of the corresponding downloadable assessment sheets and be in the format-
Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Questions (Attempt 1)
For assessment broken into parts -
Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Questions Part A (Attempt 1)
Assessment Task 2 - Observation (Attempt 1) - for single observations.
Assessment Task 2 - Observation (Attempt 2)
Assessment Task 2 - Observation - For multiple observations.
The ability to access the 2nd attempt of an assessment item (for all assessment except quizzes) requires a failure to pass or submit for the first attempt, this activates a “conditional release” allowing a 2nd attempt. Therefore this conditional release must be attached to the second attempt of the assessment item. For written assignments the selection of conditional releases is done via the “restrictions” tab in the “release conditions” section by clicking on the “attach existing” button.
Individual Assessment Task Instructions
Standard instructions are supplied for each assessment in the Appendix.
Assignment folders and quizzes can appear differently depending on the pathway taken to arrive at the assessments, so the instruction wording has been designed to suit both views.
Place the specific task instruction in the quiz instructions (before disclaimer) or as an attachment to an assignment.
Clustered Assessment Instructions
When assessment for a number of units are clustered and presented in Connect against one of the units, those units that are empty of assessments should provide a direction notice in the assessment description so the student knows where to find the clustered assessment.
For example: “The assessment for this unit has been clustered with CHCECE011 and CHCECE006. The assessment for this unit CHCECE010 can be found in CHCECE011”. Likewise, the unit where the assessment is housed should indicate in the units that comprise the clustered assessment.
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