General Rules
  • Ready for review
  • General Rules


    Every unit in Connect must a Master Unit Framework as a minimum:

    For standard delivery:

    Name: TQM Master Framework 2022.1 (TQPD)

    Code: MO_NSMS_MasterFramework_2022_1_TQM_TQPD

    URL: https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/d2l/home/461791



    Virtual delivery

    Name: [InDev] Virtual Classroom TQM Master Framework 2024.1 (TQPD)

    Code: MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD

    URL: https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/d2l/home/658789

    Use of a Connect Master Unit Framework is required to facilitate a consistent user experience across all TAFE online delivery; enhance the interchange and sharing of regional resources; simplify training; maximise efficiency of reproduction and reduce setup times.

    All product development teams within TAFE Queensland will utilise this unit as the basis for their product creation. Regional copies of the framework unit should not be created.

    Alteration of this framework unit without prior permission from the Chief Academic Officer via the Director, Learning Technology Innovation and Services.

    If Master Product exists, it must be used to create a unit offering. If none exists, regional product can be used and the assessment must meet the requirements as outlined in TAFE Queensland’s 123 Assessment PR procedure available on SPOT.

    Connect unit naming conventions


    The naming convention to be applied to all connect unit is detailed in on the link provided.

    Consistency of Table of Contents module sequence

    The aim is to keep the top-level Table of Contents uniform across all unit offerings to provide consistency and a sense of place for all users no matter where the unit originated. Variation will come at the topic or sub-module level where customisation to regional product occur as indicated in the numbered sections below. The Master Product Continuous Improvement Procedure available on SPOT provides information on the process to be followed when customisation is required to a Master Product. Any images used in module headers should be attributed to the creator of the image.

    Capitalisation rule

    Headers (module, sub-module, topics) to be capitalised (first word only) unless a proper noun is used.

    System generated modules

    Bookmarks, Upcoming Events and Table of Contents are system generated and the capitalisation cannot be changed. Bookmarks and Upcoming Events should be left blank in Master Product and will typically only be used in a unit offering.

    Intelligent Agents

    There is a standard suite of intelligent agents for educators and facilitators to use that should be included with the Connect Master Unit Framework through a secondary import. By default not all are enabled and teachers will need to follow the instructions in the descriptions to ensure they apply the agent appropriately. The suite of standard intelligent agents is not exhaustive and educators have the ability to add to the standard suite.

    The current versions of the standard suite of Intelligent Agents can be found in Connect at:

    For standard delivery:

    Name: Intelligent Agents Framework TQM 2024.1

    Code: MO_NSMS_MasterIAFramework_TQM_2024.1

    URL: https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/d2l/home/591317



    Virtual delivery

    Name: [InDev] Virtual Classroom Intelligent Agents Framework TQM 2024.1

    Code: MO_NSMS_VCMasterIAFramework_TQM_2024.1

    URL: https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/d2l/home/658815

    Agents applicable to unsuccessful attempts at quizzes and assignments will have their release conditions linked appropriately for Teacher use prior to release by a product team e.g. The release conditions for an intelligent agent linked to the first attempt of quiz 2 will be linked to quiz 2 and not the default in the example framework unit.

    Step 1

    Intelligent Agents can be accessed by clicking Unit Admin.

    Step 2


    Offline Documentation

    Minimum Requirement

    To meet organisational access and equity requirements offline, downloadable documents must be supplied to support the delivery and assessment in an offline format with all Connect Master Units. There is a minimum requirement to provide the following in Word and PDF Format:

    • All assessment and corresponding answers, benchmarks and marking guides.

    • Validation and Mapping Guide information.

    • Unit Study Guide.

    • A learner guide.


    Offline downloadable documents must use and following the instructions within the templates available on SPOT here: https://intranet.tafeqld.edu.au/PandP-Library/Academic-Governance/Pages/123-Assessment-Templates.aspx


    The offline documents are to be added/ placed in the following locations:

    • Assessments - With the corresponding online assessments page.

    • Assessment Answers/ Benchmarks/ Marking Criteria - Teacher Share Space

    • Validation and Mapping documents - Teacher Share Space

    • Unit Study Guide - Overview Page

    • Learner guide - Teacher Share Space


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    © TAFE Queensland. Uncontrolled copy if printed. Refer to TAFE Queensland intranet for current version of document.