The module contains three (3) sub-modules:
Attributions — a bibliography of all copyright attributions, i.e. when a work that belongs to someone else has been copied into the unit. This page is then re-used in the citation field in Resourcebank. This sub-module may be set to visible if not required by the learning content.
Copyright Notices — contains mandatory copyright notices such as the TAFE Queensland Copyright Statement, or the Part VB notice (if Part VB material has been used), or a third-party copyright notice (if third-party material has been used).
References – contains reference citations, i.e. citing a resource that has been used as a source of information for writing original material, but no material has been copied. This sub-module may be set to visible if not required by the learning content.
All topics in this module should be set to Completion status: Not Required unless necessary.
Adobe Stock Acknowledgements
As TAFE Queensland has a whole organisation wide solution for stock images with Adobe Stock normal attribution is not required under the images within content, rather the following statement needs to be applied to the Acknowledgements section:
“Unless otherwise attributed all images and videos are licensed from Adobe Stock “
Related content
© TAFE Queensland. Uncontrolled copy if printed. Refer to TAFE Queensland intranet for current version of document.