Notifying people in Clarizen

Notifying people in Clarizen

There are two ways to notify specific people in your discussion message. Both of these methods can be used to include multiple people in the message.


Tagging people in your discussion message

To tag a person in your discussion message, start by typing the "@" symbol and a menu of names will appear:

As you type a person's name, it will appear in the list. Click on the name of the person you want to notify:

Their name will then appear and you cab type the rest of your message;


Notifying people in your discussion message

To notify a person, click in the discussion box, and then click the "Notify" link that appears below:



Then as you type a person's name in the notify box a list will appear with their name. Click on this to add them to be notified of the message:

You can then type your message into the discussion box and attach any files you need to. Don't forget to click "Post":