How to check text

How to check text

Check all materials for text copied from other sources. This includes:

  • Learning resources / learner guides

  • Connect pages

  • Assessments

  • Files and all supplementary resources

  • Anything uploaded to Connect

You can use Turnitin, Google or another tool to identify copied text.

This is specifically a check for copyright NOT plagiarism. Read about the difference here.

Locate the terms or licence that applies to any text that does not belong to TAFE Queensland. You can check ResourceBank to see if a licence to use the material is already available.

The first thing to establish is whether the material has been paid for/licenced directly to TAFE Queensland through a process, or are we relying on existing terms for example, those on a public website?

  • If a paid or direct licence is in place, it takes legal priority over Section 113P - which means that all materials used must adhere to any licence or terms attached to them.

  • If you are relying on existing terms such as a public website, Section 113P can take precedence these terms.

  • You can also ask for permission for TAFE Queensland to use the material.

If the licence or terms are not provided with the material, you must determine the original source and locate the licence or terms that apply.

If the original source cannot be identified the material cannot be used.

Determine which licence (if any) the material can be used under.

Existing Licence / terms

Does the licence explicitly state that any of the following are allowed?:

  • The material to be copied

  • The material to be used for educational delivery (not personal study)

  • The material to be modified

If the material can be copied and/or modified it can be used in TAFE Queensland resources, however any attribution or other requirements stated in the licence or terms must also be adhered to.


Educational institutions statutory licence

If the existing licence does not allow the material to be used, the material may be able to be used under the Statutory Text and Artistic Licence.

Check the existing licence/terms for explicit statements such as “This material is not to be copied without permission”.


  • there are no explicit statements preventing the material being copied,

  • and the material was not purchased by someone other than TAFE,

  • and another licence does not apply,

Then the material can be copied under the Educational institutions statutory licence.

If the material has been paid for by anyone other than TAFE Queensland (e.g. material purchased by a staff member via a personal account) the material cannot be used unless the licence explicitly states that it can be copied and communicated. In this case the Educational institutions statutory licence does not apply unless the licence/terms explicitly state that it does.

See Existing licence terms for more.

Where text has been used in an assessment, the Statutory Text and Artistic Licence does not apply and a different attribution is required - See Attribution for text used in assessments.

See Text and Images used in assessments for more information.

Attribute all text appropriately:

  • text copied under existing licence/terms needs to be attributed according to any requirements in the licence or terms. if no attribution is specified, use the third party attribution format.

  • text copied under the Educational institutions statutory licence requires a specific attribution - note that there are different attributions for assessments and content.

Text that can not be used under any licence needs to be dealt with to achieve compliance with the law:

For IP and Copyright Enquiries go to TAP and click on Education Services > Educational Delivery Planning > IP and Copyright Enquiry and log a request. Provide as much information as you can in the request.


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