Grades and Feedback
Where do I go to see my final grades?
Your final grades will be posted in your student transcript. Instructors may or may not post final grades in Connect so it is always recommended that you view your finalised grades from your official transcript.
Where do I go to view feedback for quizzes, assignments, and discussions?
First, verify with your instructor that feedback is available for viewing.
If your instructor informs you that feedback is available for the activity, you can view the feedback from the respective tool. For example, to view assignment feedback, go to the Assignments tool, Class Progress, or Content.
Note: Depending on how Connect is configured in your unit, you may also go to the Grades tool to see completed rubric feedback for assignments, discussions, and quizzes.
Why can't I see my grade?
If you can't see your grade, the grade has not been published yet. Contact the instructor for more information about when the grade will be available for viewing. If the instructor has already stated that the grade should be available, contact the instructor and inform them that your grade is still not visible.
Why does my grade say "Dropped"?
If your grade says "Dropped", the instructor:
- Dropped the highest and/or lowest grade item in this category.
- Dropped this assignment so it does not count toward the final grade.
In either case, contact the instructor of the unit for more information.
Who do I contact about grade inquiries for assignments, discussions, etc.?
For inquiries about assignments, discussions, and other unit contents, contact the unit instructor.