

A Content module I'm looking for is missing, what do I do?

There are several reasons why a module would be missing from the Content section:

  • The module is associated with a start date that has not yet been released or it is associated with an end date that has passed. Contact the instructor of the unit for further information on whether there are start and/or end dates set around the content module.
  • The module's release conditions are not met. Instructors can set modules to only appear once certain criteria is met by the individual learner (for example, a learner must pass "Quiz A" before they are able to view "Module B"). Check your Overview as information may be included concerning any release conditions that may be attached to modules. You can also contact the Instructor for further information on whether there is a release condition attached to the module that is missing.
  • The module is hidden. Contact the instructor of the unit to verify whether you are supposed to be able to view the module.

I'm having trouble understanding assignment expectations, instructions, grading schemes, etc. Where can I get help/clarification?

For help or clarification on assignment expectations, instructions, grading schemes, and so forth, contact the instructor for that unit.

Why am I getting an error message when attempting to access a Content link?

If you are receiving an "Internal Error" message:

If the link points to an item within a tool in Connect (such as Assignments, Discussions, other Content modules etc.) go to the tool and check whether you can access the item directly.

  • If you can, contact the instructor and inform them that the content link to that item is broken.
  • If you can't, contact customer support for further help in diagnosing and resolving the issue.

Also look for start/end dates on assignments, discussion topics, and quizzes to see if students can currently access the item that is linked from the content area.

If you are receiving a "Not Authorized" message:

If you are not yet at the start date, have passed the end date, or have not met the release conditions attached to the item you are trying to access, you won't be able to access the item and will instead receive an error message. Contact the instructor for more information on whether any of the above restrictions apply to the item you are trying to access. If the instructor determines that you should be able to access the link, inform them that the link is broken.

If you are receiving an error message when attempting to access an external link in Content, contact the instructor of the unit and inform them that the link is broken.

Why are audio and video lectures in Content modules not playing?

If the audio or video lectures in the Content tool are not playing, this is most likely the result of a missing plugin needed to play the audio or video. To check whether this is the issue, complete the system check found on the login page before logging in. Ensure that all plugins are enabled and update any programs if required.
Restart the browser and try playing the audio or video lecture again. If this did not solve the problem, contact your instructor and inform them of the issue.

Why are YouTube videos and other embedded media using Insert Stuff not working/loading?

When using the Insert Stuff framework to add a YouTube video/other embedded media in the Content using Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome, the browser blocks the content because it is not considered secure, without informing the user that there is actually an invisible block around where the media should be. This makes it appear as if the insert failed even though the browser is actually blocking the content.
To resolve this issue, contact your instructor to provide the link to the blocked embedded media as a clickable link that launches in a new tab instead.

How do I download content?

In the Content, on the content page you wish to download, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click   Download.

How do I print content?

In the Content tool, on the content page you wish to download, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click   Print.

How do I make the font size bigger?

On desktop:

  • To make the font size bigger when viewing any page, select and hold Ctrl on your keyboard and press +. Press + multiple times to increase the font size.
  • To make the font size smaller, select and hold Ctrl on your keyboard and press -. Press - multiple times to decrease the font size.

On mobile:

  • Check the accessibility settings of your mobile device to increase font size, or enable reading mode in your mobile browser (dependent on your smartphone's settings).

Who do I contact about specific details or questions about unit material?

For specific details or questions about unit material, or content-related inquiries, contact the instructor of the unit.

Why can't I click on certain/any content topics?

There is a date restriction on the content topic which the instructor has set. Once the start date has passed, you will be able to click on the topic and view the item. If the start date seems incorrect, contact your instructor.

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