Check the ownership of all images. For the following types of images, add the correct attributions as linked below:
Owned/created by TAFE Queensland
Purchased from Shutterstock
A compilation or adapted image
Creative Commons
Free for education
Images used in Assessments
Public domain
Used under licence
Toolbox images
For all other images check the licence terms to determine if they can be legally used.
If the image is able to be used, add the correct attribution – see Used under licence for the attribution format.
If we do not have permission to use the image under any existing licence you can do the following:
Seek written permission - see: Requesting Copyright Permission.
Source a stock image replacement.
Design a new image to be created by a GD - it must be different enough from the original that it cannot be recognised in the new image, while still communicating the same information.
If no licence prevents it, use the image under the Educational institutions statutory licence.