YouTube - Copyright considerations
All videos must be watched through their entirety to ensure that there is no offensive material such as nudity, weapons etc. Embedding If embed code on the YouTube page is disabled, then the video must not be embedded. Uploading Ensure you are the copyright owner of all material you upload unless you have explicit permission to do so. Copyright and illegal uploading to YouTube In terms of using YouTube videos the most critical thing is to ensure that the video has been uploaded to YouTube by the copyright owner – this is the ID’s job to research and determine. Check any attribution on the actual video and check that it matches the channel or owner of the channel. If you cannot ascertain who owns the video then you cannot be certain that it is not an infringing copy and should not use it. In the example below a section of a Discovery Health video has been uploaded by someone who has made their own recording of it, and so it should not be used in TAFE Queensland materials. The Discovery Health YouTube channel does not seem to have this video available either and so it is not possible to use it: