Content “chunking”

Content “chunking”

Content chunking is a new name for unpacking a unit or unit planning. Chunking or unpacking a unit is where the vocational specialist/lead teacher will: 

  • Identify learning outcomes
  • Recommend content ideas, topics and subtopics
  • Plan appropriate learning activities and
  • Design authentic, valid, vocationally sound assessments

Chunks (topics) can include: 

  • An introduction to the topic content
  • The learning objectives of the topic
  • Topics broken down to subtopics
  • Learning content that includes activities for students to read, watch, listen to, discuss, create and evaluate as relevant
  • A summary
  • Self-testing opportunities

For more information on chunking strategy, click on the following links: 

Watch the following two screencasts for an excellent example of unpacking a unit of competency and developing content and structure for topics:

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