Using the navigation area with assistive technology
At the top of each page is a navigation area that includes the minibar and the navbar. You can skip the navigation area on any page by selecting the Skip to main content link.
The minibar appears at the top of every page. It contains links to My Home, a unit selector that you can use to switch between units, alerts about events and updates for you and your units, and a personal menu for setting your preferences and logging out.
You can jump to the navbar by selecting the hidden heading Navigation. The navbar typically contains an unordered list of tool links for the unit you are viewing. If you are not in a unit, the navbar list contains tool links for My Home or a department. Depending on how the navbar was set up, the links might be organized into link groups. Link groups do not appear in the links list. You can locate link groups by checking the form fields list or navigating by button.