My Home

My Home

When you log in to Connect, My Home is the first page you access. It is a central area for checking institution-wide news and events, and opening organization-level tools.
Like all pages in Connect, My home has a navigation area across the top of the page that includes the minibar and the navbar. The navbar contains links to different tools. Since My Home is an organization-level page, the links on the navbar for My Home usually go to organization-level or unit-independent tools, such as Email and Brightspace ePortfolio. For screen readers and other assistive technology, the navbar has a hidden default Heading 2 called Navigation, and it is organized using ordered lists. There might be other headings depending on institution configuration needs.
Other My Home content is organized into Widgets. Typical widgets include News, My Units, Tasks, and Calendar. Using an assistive technology program, you can navigate and search for widgets using Heading 2, and navigate across sections using Heading 3.
One of the main purposes of My Home is to provide access to organization-level tools and information. If you are using a screen reader, you can view a list of links or headings on My Home to familiarize yourself with the available options.

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