Read and reply to discussion threads in Brightspace Pulse
Read and reply to discussion threads in Brightspace Pulse
You can read and reply to discussion threads in the Notifications tab. This increases awareness of unit activity and engagement in learning activities with other learners.
Unlike other notifications in Brightspace Pulse, discussion notifications do not appear in the device's notification area and do not invoke an alarm or vibration.
In Connect, you must first subscribe to a topic or discussion thread for a unit offering you are enrolled in. You cannot subscribe or unsubscribe to topics or threads in Brightspace Pulse.
When reading and replying to discussion posts:
- A link is provided for viewing the original post, with original formatting, in a web browser.
- Formatting is simplified for consistency - bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, and HTML lists are supported. However, font face, color, size, images, and other embedded objects are unsupported.
- Web links (URLs) can be followed.
- Unlike Connect, the learner can only reply to the original post, not a specific post in the discussion thread.
- There are no formatting options when replying.
To read and reply to discussion threads
- Tap the Notifications tab. A red dot displays on the Subscriptions sub-tab.
- Tap the Subscriptions sub-tab. A list of discussion threads displays. The list is sorted with the discussion threads that have the most recent activity at the top, and any discussion threads that have new activity since you last checked are highlighted to indicate an unread state.
- Tap the thread containing the activity. A list of posts displays.
- Reply to the thread.