Log in and out of Brightspace Pulse

Log in and out of Brightspace Pulse

When you initially log in to Brightspace Pulse, you can quickly find your organization by turning on your device's geolocation service. Brightspace Pulse searches for all organizations within a 55km / 34-mile radius from your current location; however, the list may not include all institutions that use the Brightspace platform. If there are no search results, type the URL for your organization's Learning Management System (LMS).
After logging in, Brightspace Pulse loads your unit data by retrieving calendar events from Calendar. These events might include dates from Content, Checklist, Discussions, Assignments, and Quizzes in Connect, if instructors set due dates in these tools.

To log in to Brightspace Pulse

  1. Tap the   Brightspace Pulse icon.
  2. Learn more about Brightspace Pulse by swiping left/right or proceed to the next step by tapping Next.
  3. Tap Pick Your School.
  4. Enter your Connect credentials and then tap Log In.

To log out of Brightspace Pulse

  1. Tap the Settings icon:
    •  (iOS)
    •  (Android)
  2. Tap Sign Out.