Bulk actions

Bulk actions

On the approval page, it is possible to perform bulk actions to the evidence for several learners. For all the unapproved pieces of evidence in the Approve Evidence tab for their classroom, an instructor can approve all, send all the evidence with parents, or categorize all the evidence.

  1. Log in to Connect.
  2. From the unit selector or unit tiles, navigate to your unit.
  3. From the navbar, click Portfolio.
  4. On the Approve Evidence tab, click Bulk Actions.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Share All with Parents
    • Click Categorize All and select a category
    • Click Approve All.

Note: When you click Approve All, it removes all evidence from the Approve Evidence tab. Perform the Approve All step last if you intend to perform more than one bulk action.