Add closed captions to a video note
Add closed captions to a video note
- Create a video note in the HTML Editor using Insert Stuff.
- Using a text editing program such as Notepad (PC), or TextEdit (Mac) create a .vtt file with the following format:
WEBVTT [Required on first line to indicate file type]
00:01.000 --> 00:03.000 [start and end timestamp in minutes:seconds.milliseconds]
Insert caption text here [Type the captions you want displayed during this portion of the video]
00:04.000 --> 00:08.000
Insert caption text here.
00:09:000 --> 00:14.000
Insert caption text here.
- Save the text file as a .vtt file by including .vtt at the end of the file name, and setting the file type to All files.
- Return to Connect.
- From Admin Tools, select Video Note Captions.
- Search for the video note created in the previous steps and click it.
- Click Choose File, locate the .vtt file created in the previous steps, and click Open.
- Click Save Captions.
- Click the Video Preview, and select the options menu (...).
- Click Captions to change from Captions Off to Captions Default.
- Play the video and confirm the closed captions are visible and display at the appropriate times.
Note: For more info on creating .vtt files, visit How to Create A WebVTT File. Ensure you follow the formatting exactly or the captions won't display. Any compatible 3rd party captioning method can also be used to complete this process.