The SMS.StudentUnitCourse table details a Student’s status in each of their Unit Availabilities.
The following ruleset will be used to check/set a student's enrolment status in Connect each morning. Date based changes (Pre-SOS and COS) are handled separately. Table built from all existing states in the SMS as of 8/6/2020.
UnitStageCd | UnitStageDesc | UnitSttsCd | UnitSttsDesc | Present Enrolment Status | Updated Enrolment Status | Notes |
ADM | Admitted | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a | |
CANC | Cancelled | CANC | Cancelled | n/a | n/a | |
COMP | Completed | ADVNG | Advanced Standing Not Granted | n/a | n/a | |
COMP | Completed | CR | Credited | Student | Student COS | |
COMP | Completed | EX | Exempt | Student | Student COS | |
COMP | Completed | FAIL | Failed | Student | Student COS | |
COMP | Completed | PASS | Passed | Student | Student COS | |
COMP | Completed | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a | |
COMP | Completed | WD | Withdrawn | Student | Student COS | Student remains in unit to allow for participation checks |
ENR | Enrolled | ENR | Enrolled | Student COS | Student* | |
ENR | Enrolled | PASS | Passed | Student | Student COS | |
ENR | Enrolled | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a | |
ENR | Enrolled | WD | Withdrawn | Student | Student COS | Student remains in unit to allow for participation checks |
OFF | Offered | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a | |
PLN | Planned | ADVUA | Advanced Standing Under Assessment | n/a | n/a | |
PLN | Planned | PASS | Passed | n/a | n/a | |
PLN | Planned | PLN | Planned | n/a | n/a | |
PLN | Planned | WD | Withdrawn | n/a | n/a | |
WD | Withdrawn | PLN | Planned | Student/StudentCOS | Withdraw | |
WD | Withdrawn | WD | Withdrawn | Student/StudentCOS | Withdraw | |
WD | Withdrawn | WDE | Early Withdrawn | Student/StudentCOS | Withdraw |
*Initial Student enrolment handled by T1 integration. Subsequent Student enrolments to correct Swaps/Drops and other errors only.
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