Export content

Export content

Once you have completed your unit you will export it and provide the files to the Creative TL (Tom Borowick).

Before export, check the files in file manager. If there are any unlinked HTML files, this means that they are not being used and need to be deleted before export.

 Click on Unit admin, then Import / Export / Copy Components:

Select Export Components and then click Start:

Tick Content, and Select individual items to export. Click Continue.

Select Learning Resources and Acknowledgements then Continue


Confirm components to export, Select Include Unit files in export package and click Export:


When notification received click on Export finished.


A link to your exported unit will appear. You can either click the link or right click and save as.
If you click the link, where this file is saved will depend on the browser you are using: it may go to your 'downloads' folder, or you may be prompted to save it to a location of your choice.  
Click on the link: Click here to download zip package:

 Your unit will download as a zip file. If documents (such as Assessments) have already been added to the unit, these will appear in the zipped folder and need to be removed.

IMPORTANT: Rename this zip file with the unit code.

To get the file added to the repository in Connect so the MMs can work on it you will need to either:

  • Create a task in the unit Jira EPIC titled 'Process Connect export', upload the zip file, add a message flagging Tom Borowick that the export file is ready and assign the task to Tom.


  • Add a Comment in your ID task, upload the zipped file and flag Tom Borowick with a request to process the Connect export.

Check with your TL if they have a preferred way.