Optimizing personal account settings for assistive technology
Optimizing personal account settings for assistive technology
The Account Settings link contains several tabs, depending on the role you have within the Connect. You can adjust the settings in these tabs to meet your personal needs; however, the following settings might be of particular interest if you are using assistive technology devices or software applications.
In the Account Settings tab, consider the following configuration options:
- You can configure the Login Destination option to log directly into a unit, rather than My Home. This option can simplify navigation if you are only taking a few units.
- The Font Face and Font Size options adjust the appearance of text Connect. Choose options that provide the best results for your needs. To adjust the size of icons, you can use a magnification tool such as the zoom feature built into most browsers.
- If you use a screen reader to navigate Connect, you can turn on Show secondary windows as pop-ups. Otherwise, some secondary pages may not be distinguishable from the main page.
- If you use a screen reader or you only use a keyboard to navigate Connect, you can select the Turn off rich text editor and view source option. Using this option, you can upload HTML content authored in an external editor.
- To automatically detect embedded videos, turn on the Optimize video presentation for programmatically-driven assistive technologies option.
In the Discussions tab, consider the following configuration options:
- To simplify the layout of discussion lists, turn off the Always show the Discussions List pane option.
- Turn off the preview pane and show topics in grid view.
In the Email tab, consider the following configuration options:
- To simplify the layout of your inbox, clear the Show the Message Preview pane and Show the Folder List pane check boxes.
The Metadata tab is available only to administrators and instructors. Consider the following configuration option:
- To simplify movement through the main metadata page, select the Basic and Expand all Categories options.