Email your instructor with the Email tool

Email your instructor with the Email tool

The Email tool allows you to send email to your instructor (or a manually entered email address) from within Connect.

Where can I find my Instructor's email?

Some good places to find your instructor's email address are:

  • Your unit Overview. This may be posted in the Content tool in Connect
  • Your class list
  • The Announcements (or Activity Feed) tool on the homepage
  • The Classlist tool in Connect

How can I forward my Connect emails to another account?

To forward Connect emails to another account:

  1. From the navbar, click Email.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Under Forwarding Options, check the Forward incoming messages to an alternate email account check box. Enter the forwarding Email Address, then select your preferences.

I get a "Not Authorized" error trying to access my Email, what do I do?

From the navbar, click on your Message Alerts (envelope icon). Do you see this message?
You must complete the following quizzes for alerts to be enabled: {Quiz Name}
Once you complete the quiz detailed in the message alert, you will be able to access your email - while the quiz is in progress, your email access is disabled by your instructor.

I cannot access my email inbox, I can only send emails

TAFE Queensland has send-only email enabled in Connect. You cannot receive emails in Connect.

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