Change personal settings in Connect

Change personal settings in Connect

From your username on the minibar, you can make changes to your user profile, notifications, account settings, and log out.

To change personal settings in Connect

  1. On the minibar, click your username.
  2. Click a setting: Note: Depending on your permissions and what tools are enabled, additional settings may appear.
    • Profile - set your profile picture, contact information, social networks, education information, work information, and personal information. Note: If you do not upload a user profile image, the navbar displays your initials in the user-profile badge. This displays in the Connect navbar and Activity Feed.
    • Notifications - control how you receive notifications about activity in your units. You can receive a periodic summary of activity, or receive individual notifications as things happen. Specifically, you can:
      • download Brightspace Pulse to help you stay connected and on track with your units
      • set your contact methods (email address and mobile number)
      • set how often you want to receive an email summary of activity for each of your units
      • set individual notifications for activity in specific tools Note: To receive content-related individual notifications, D2L recommends using the Brightspace Pulse mobile app or select the Email option for the individual notification type.
      • set custom notifications for grade values, and current and future units
      • exclude specific units from notifications
    • Account Settings - change settings for fonts; dialogs; HTML Editor; reading content; video; signing in; applications; and discussions.
    • Log Out - log out of Connect.

Watch how to manage your account settings

Watch how to navigate notifications

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