Survey examples

Survey examples

Start off the unit with an informal pollAn informal poll can ask about people's backgrounds, previous education, and interest in the unit. You can choose to make the answers anonymous, or to share them so that learners can see their classmates' responses. You can use a variety of question types for this fun poll, including:

  • Short Answer
  • Multi-Short Answer
  • Multi-Select
  • Multiple Choice

Collect informal unit evaluations or mid-year reviewsYou can use a combination of different question types for this that are found in a typical evaluation or review, including:

  • Likert
  • Written Response
  • Multi-Short Answer

Ask about people's learning styles and content delivery preferencesYou can use a variety of different question types for learning style and delivery preference, including:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Multi-Select
  • Written Response or Short Answer

Determine which learning resources were most helpful to achieve learning objectivesYou can use the following question types to determine the most helpful type of learning resources:

  • Multi-Select
  • Multiple Choice
  • Ordering
  • Likert

Pose open-ended questions to determine areas of learner confusionYou can use Short and Written Response question types for this scenario.
Set up a "choose-your-own adventure" game or quizYou can introduce the unit in a fun way or reinforce unit messaging through this type of survey activity. You can use survey branching to do this, using the following question types:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True or False