Control commenting on Activity Feed posts

Control commenting on Activity Feed posts

Instructors can control the ability for learners to comment on Activity Feed posts. Commenting can be enabled or disabled for the entire feed or for individual posts.
To disable commenting for the entire Activity Feed:

  1. On your unit homepage, open the Activity Feed context menu.
  2. Select Manage commenting and posting.
  3. Click Disable comments on posts.
  4. Click Save.

To disable commenting on a new post:

  1. On your unit homepage, click Create a post.
  2. Select Message or Assignment to determine the type of post.
  3. Uncheck the Allow Comments check box.
  4. Complete your post, and click Save.

To toggle commenting on an existing post:

  1. Click Options from the post you want to toggle commenting for.
  2. Edit the post.
  3. Check or uncheck the Allow Comments check box.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Note: If commenting is disabled for your unit, you cannot enable commenting for an individual post. If commenting is disabled for the unit or an individual post, any previously created comments are saved. If commenting is re-enabled, the previously created comments are displayed. This allows an instructor to temporarily disable commenting without losing previously posted comments.