Release condition types

Release condition types

Condition Type


Achievements - Achievements

The user must have earned a specific achievement in order to fulfill the release condition

Checklist - Completed checklist

The user must complete all items on the selected checklist in order to fulfill the release condition

Checklist - Incomplete checklist

The user must not complete one or more items on the selected checklist in order to fulfill the release condition

Checklist - Completed checklist item

The user must complete a specific item on the selected checklist in order to fulfill the release condition

Checklist - Incomplete checklist item

The user must not complete the specific item on the selected checklist to fulfill the release condition

Classlist - Group enrolment

The user must be enrolled in a specific group in order to fulfill the release condition

Classlist - Org unit enrolment

The user must be enrolled in a specific org unit in order to fulfill the release condition

Classlist - Section enrolment

The user must be enrolled in a specific section in order to fulfill the release condition

Classlist - Role in current org unit

The user must either:

  • be enrolled as a specific role
  • not be enrolled as a specific role
    in order to fulfill the release condition

Classlist - Date of enrolment in current org unit

The user must be enrolled in the current org unit for a specified number of days in order to fulfill the release condition

Content - visited content topic

The user must visit a specific content topic in order to fulfill the release condition

Content - Not visited content topic

The user must not visit the specified content topic in order to fulfill the release condition.

Content - Visited all content topics

The user must visit all content topics in the unit offering in order to fulfill the release condition

Content - Completed content topic

The user completes a content topic. The method of completing the topic depends on the type, such as viewing a file or submitting an assignment.
This release condition ignores exemptions, meaning that if the learner completes the activity, the release condition can be met, regardless of the activity being required, optional, or exempt.

Discussions - Posts authored in topic

The user must author a specified number and type of posts in a designated module or topic in order to fulfill the release condition

Discussions - No posts authored in topic

The user must not author any number or type of post in a designated module or topic in order to fulfill the release condition

Discussions - Score on associated rubric

The user must achieve a specified Score and Threshold level on a discussion module or topic, based on an associated rubric, in order to fulfill the release condition

Assignments - Submission to Assignment

The user must make a submission to a specified assignment in order to fulfill the release condition

Assignments - No submission to Assignment

The user must not make a submission to a specified assignment in order to fulfill the release condition

Assignments - Receive feedback on Assignment submission

The user must receive feedback on a submission to a specified assignment in order to fulfill the release condition

Assignments - Score on associated rubric

The user must achieve a specified Score and Threshold level on an assignment submission, based on an associated rubric, in order to fulfill the release condition

Grades - Grade value on a grade item

The user must achieve a specified grade value on a grade item in order to fulfill the release condition

Grades - No grade received

The user must not receive a specified grade value on a grade item in order to fulfill the release condition

Grades - Released final grade score

The user must have their final grade score set to released, or set to released plus the final grade meeting a defined threshold, in order to fulfill the release condition.
Note: This release condition is evaluated beginning from the first time the grade is released, and cannot be revoked once it is fulfilled. Therefore, if your grade book is set up to release final grades throughout a unit, and/or drop ungraded items, the release condition may be fulfilled sooner than expected (i.e. before the end of the unit). TAFE Queensland recommends using this release condition in combination with other release conditions or intelligent agents to ensure that the event or content triggered by the released final grade score occurs at the anticipated time.

Grades - Score on associated rubric

The user must achieve a specified Score and Threshold level on a grade item, based on an associated rubric, in order to fulfill the release condition

Quizzes - Score on a quiz

The user must achieve a specified score on a quiz in order to fulfill the release condition

Quizzes - Completed quiz attempt

The user must achieve a specified number of attempts of a quiz in order to fulfill the release condition

Quizzes - Score on selected questions

When a quiz has a learning objective with associated questions and an assessment method attached to it, the user must achieve a specified grade value on the learning objective in order to fulfill the release condition

Quizzes - Score on associated rubric

The user must achieve a specified Score and Threshold level on a quiz, based on an associated rubric, in order to fulfill the release condition

Quizzes - No completed quiz attempt

The user must not complete any attempt on a quiz in order to fulfill the release condition

Surveys - Completed survey attempt

The user must achieve a specified number of attempts of a survey in order to fulfill the release condition

Surveys - No completed survey attempt

The user must not complete any attempt on a survey in order to fulfill the release condition