Managing unit content using drag and drop
In the Content tool, you can arrange your unit content by dragging and dropping modules and topics using the module or topic's drag handle ( ).
If you drag a module or topic above or below other modules and topics, a gray line appears to indicate you can drop the module or topic there. If you drag a module or topic over another module, the module appears orange to indicate you can drop it there.
You can also automatically update your existing files by dragging the newest version of your file from your computer into the appropriate module. When a module contains no topics, an upload target displays. If you drag a file over an upload target, that area appears orange to indicate you can drop it there. When a module contains topics, you can still drag a file into it. A horizontal line indicates where the file will be dropped, allowing you to create new topics between pre-existing ones. You can also drop files from your computer directly into the Table of Contents panel.
When you drag files from your computer into a module's upload target to add or update topics, the files will save in the Manage Files tool. A dialog prompt will appear asking you where in Manage Files you want to save the new file.
Internet Explorer 9 and older currently do not support dragging and dropping files from your desktop into Connect.
Watch how to manage unit content using drag and drop