The bulk archiving process was set up as a quick and easy way to help regions to archive older class offerings so they no longer appear in the list of units available to a teacher, and to archive older product to help manage currency.
It is the preferred method of archiving as it ensures consistency (units would be marked as ‘Archive’, ‘ToDelete’, etc which made it harder to identify and list them) and is also more easily reversible than a varied manual process.
The automated process does the following:
Removes the ‘Active’ check (Educators and Facilitators cannot see units that have this unchecked, though they will still be enrolled)
The units aren’t actually Deleted and will remain searchable by BCPs, Local Admins etc.
Unit information needs to be accurate as visibility of the unit is removed for the Educators, so if in doubt check ConnTools ie. to search, export, and filter csv files.
Automated Archiving
Each morning, as part of the preparation of the main ConnTools/Backend Processes unit lookup table, all
CO_ (Class/Delivery Offerings)
CLO_ (Clustered Offerings)
CH_ (Course Hubs)
units, if they fall into the agreed parameters,
Unit is over 1 year past End Date
Over 6 months past last teacher access date
are added to a queue for archiving.
This process runs once against each unit ie. once a unit has been processed in this manner, it won't be processed again. This allows for units to be set Active if required. Units set Active after initial processing will need to be set Inactive manually or via the process below.
General Google Sheet usage info
One thing to be mindful of is that when a sheet is being checked/processed by one of our scripts, you need to be really careful not to delete an entire row in the sheet. This is because the scripts effectively copy the sheets into memory, process them as required, and write back. So any changes made to the sheet during the processing stage will be overwritten, or, in the case of rows being moved or deleted, cause the wrong data to be loaded back to the wrong rows.
Browse to the appropriate sheet (listed below), and enter:
Column | Value | Impact |
Status (Col A) | Archive | The unit will be archived and the status updated to ‘Archived’ |
Status (Col A) | Reinstate | An archive unit will be reinstated to it’s pre-Archive state |
OrgUnitId (Col B) | The OrgUnitId of the unit | |
UnitCode (Col C) | The UnitCode of the unit |
Note :
Only one of OrgUnitId or UnitCode is required, however OrgUnitId is preferred as it is unique, though issues with units having the same unit code are increasingly rare. It’s not worth asking these unless provided,
Where multiple units exist with the same UnitCode, the higher value OrgUnitId will be used.The prefix of [Archived] is not added to class offerings, this is only applicable to Regional and State Masters. This means you don’t need to worry about unit names losing some characters using the archiving process as the Unit Name is required to remain the same as when it was delivered for audit purposes.
Archiving Class Offerings
The Google Sheet for handling archiving of COs is here:
Class offerings names will not change. The process to check/update this sheet runs once every 30 minutes.
A separate process actually performs the archiving. You will see its updates impacting the Google Sheet the next time the sheet is checked/updated.
The image below highlights the status changes for archived offerings in ConnTools and CCT.
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