Released into the public domain by the owner:
Author’s name, ‘Title of work’,
http://www.originalsourcelink, accessed dd/mm/yyyy
This image has been released into the public domain by the owner.
In the public domain due to expired copyright:
Author’s name, ‘Title of work’,
http://www.originalsourcelink, accessed dd/mm/yyyy
This image is in the public domain as the copyright has expired.
Image from a hardcopy source:
Author’s name, ‘Title of work’,
Source: e.g. Office of titles Victoria
This image is in the public domain as the copyright has expired.
Example Markup
<div class="thumbnail with-caption"> <img alt="Image of a stream" class="img-responsive" src="image.jpg" /> <small>Author's name, 'Title of work', accessed dd/mm/yyyy,, Reproduced and made available for copying and communication by TAFE Queensland for its educational purposes with the permission of (copyright owner's title).</small> </div>