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Table of Contents

Grade Templates

The current TQM Master Unit 2021.1 contains NO grade items or configured Final Grades. This is because each unit will differ in the number of configured summative assessment tasks, and this count affects how the formula that determines Final Grade is authored.


  1. Create a blank unit

  2. Copy TQM Master Unit 2020.1 into the blank unit → adding all framework components

  3. Copy Grades Template - 3 Assessment Tasks (Withdrawn / M / J) into the blank unit → adding a fully configured gradebook

  4. Add unit’s content, activities, assessments, communication tools etc.

  5. Link grade items to Connect summative assessment tasks (Assignment folders, Quizzes, or Discussions)

A unit listing all current Grades Templates can be found in Connect at:

Name: Grades Template Repository




  1. )


For more information on Grade Templates and associated grades configuration (including the process to update an existing unit to this grading model), please visit the unit linked above. Because grades are created by uploading the relevant premade grading templates it is generally unnecessary to manually create grades, however the following section outlines the Set Up Wizard and the steps required to manually set up grades if required.

Grade Items

Grade Items contain assessment results that are considered in a student’s final grade. They can be linked to Connect assessment tools (Assignment folders/Quizzes/Discussions) or can be entered manually to capture the results of offline assessments.

Any Attempt 2 grade items need conditional release conditions dependent on the student receiving between 0% and 99.99% on the associated attempt 1 grade item. This will ensure the second attempt grade only becomes visible if they fail the first attempt.


Connect Assessment Grade Items

The assessment will be conducted on Connect using either the Assignments, Quizzes, or Discussions tool.






Offline Assessment Grade Item

The assessment will take place offline and the student is not expected to upload a file for marking. Educator may provide feedback in the grade feedback box. If a marking sheet is required for feedback, set up as an Assignment folder assessment instead.

In the Master Product sample, a file containing an assessment task instruction (on approved TQ template) should be uploaded to the assessment module. This file should be the SAME NAME as the grade item so that it is easily identified.







Connect Grades — Setup Wizard

The Setup Wizard assists in configuring preferred Grades tool settings. These settings ensure students see accurate assessment and Final Grade results.


Therefore, it is recommended that these settings are configured correctly within both Master Product and regional product and checked again by educators prior to student delivery. The Setup Wizard and associated settings are currently covered in Connect Staff Training — Level 2, however this ability may be restricted in the Educator/Facilitator roles in future.


Setup Wizard — 1) Grade System

The Grading System defines how grade items are added up to create a Final Grade. In a typical unit of competency, assessment items are not weighted, and each grade item represents an attempt of an assessment.


For the gradebook to determine an accurate Final Grade, every assessment task, whether assessed online (using Connect's assessment tools) or offline (paper-based, workplace evaluation etc.), must be added to the grade book.


Setup Wizard — 2) Final Grade Released

The Final Grade Released setting defines whether student will see a Calculated Final Grade (derived purely from the scores at assessment level, no manual modification or adjustment by an educator), or an Adjusted Final Grade (initially derived from the scores at assessment level, but subject to manual modification/adjustment by an educator before release). Current recommended method is to set release as Adjusted Final Grade, giving educators the ability to manually override the score derived from assessment results. The Automatically release final grade setting is set as unchecked and currently unavailable to modify in any role.



Setup Wizard — 3) Grade Calculations

For a Formula-based Final Grade to calculate accurately, ungraded items should set to be dropped. This ensures grade items with no score are shown in the Enter Grades interface as “-”. These can be updated to a score of zero (0) by the educator in the Grades tool to indicate a DNS. Keeping Automatically keep final grade updated unchecked ensures final grades columns (both calculated and adjusted) are blank until the educator wishes to begin the process of finalising grades.


Setup Wizard — 4) Default Grade Scheme

This setting ensures new grade items created in future use the [TQ-SMS] Summative Assessment Scheme (DNS / U / S) scheme by default. Using this scheme means students will require a 100% result in a grade item in order to achieve an S — Satisfactory result, consistent with the assessment policies described in 123 Assessment PR.


Setup Wizard — 5) Managing View Display Options

Specifies the number of decimal places a grade item is shown to for the educator. As TAFE Queensland uses whole point values in all calculations, and does not reveal point values to students, this option can be kept to the default value of 2.


Setup Wizard — 6) Student View Display Options

Specifies the information that is returned back to a student consistent with procedure 144 Issuing Results. Points grade should be disabled from the student view, to hide the numeric value behind assessment results. Scheme symbol/scheme colour should be enabled, so they see the Grade Scheme symbol (e.g. S — Satisfactory or U — Unsatisfactory) and the associated colour. As above Decimals Displayed can be kept to the default value of 2. Characters Displayed can be kept to the default of 50. Final Grade Calculation can be enabled but will not be visible to students (it is only accessible if Points grade details are also enabled).


Grades – Set Calculated Final Grade Scheme

Upon completion of the Setup Wizard, the Final Calculated Grade must be set to use the organisation-wide [TQ-SMS] Final Grade (Withdrawn / M / J) grade scheme. This will ensure Connect evaluates completion of all assessments to a satisfactory level and returns an accurate Final Grade.



Ensure you are modifying formulas correctly to account for the RIQO (Resit incorrect questions only) settinngsetting. Quizzes only require one grade and as such the MAX{} function is not necessary for quiz grade items.

See below for an example with two assessments where the first grade item is linked to a quiz.
