The units aren’t actually Deleted and will remain searchable by BCPs, Local Admins etc.
Unit information needs to be accurate as visibility of the unit is removed for the Educators, so if in doubt check ConnTools ie. https://conntools.tafeqld.edu.au/ConnectUnits to search, export, and filter csv files.
Automated Archiving
Each morning, as part of the preparation of the main ConnTools/Backend Processes unit lookup table, all
CO_ (Class/Delivery Offerings)
CLO_ (Clustered Offerings)
CH_ (Course Hubs)
units, if they fall into the agreed parameters,
Unit is over 1 year past End Date
Over 6 months past last teacher access date
are added to a queue for archiving.
This process runs once against each unit ie. once a unit has been processed in this manner, it won't be processed again. This allows for units to be set Active if required. Units set Active after initial processing will need to be set Inactive manually or via the process below.
General Google Sheet usage info