Create a blank unit
Copy TQM Master Unit into the blank unit → adding all framework components
Copy Grades Template - 3 Assessment Tasks (Withdrawn / M / J) into the blank unit → adding a fully configured gradebook
Add unit’s content, activities, assessments, communication tools etc.
Link grade items to Connect summative assessment tasks (Assignment folders, Quizzes, or Discussions)
A unit listing all current Grades Templates can be found in Connect at:
Name: Grades Template Repository
URL: https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/d2l/home/79188
There are currently Grades Templates configured up to a maximum summative assessment count of 10 for a variety of grading models, including standard Competency-based, Apprentices/Trainees, Competency RPL, Adult Tertiary Preparation (ATP), and Performance Level Achievement (PLA).
For more information on Grade Templates and associated grades configuration (including the process to update an existing unit to this grading model), please visit the unit linked above. Because grades are created by uploading the relevant premade grading templates it is generally unnecessary to manually create grades, however the following section outlines the Set Up Wizard and the steps required to manually set up grades if required.