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Table of Contents

Grade Templates

The current TQM Master Unit 2021.1 contains NO grade items or configured Final Grades. This is because each unit will differ in the number of configured summative assessment tasks, and this count affects how the formula that determines Final Grade is authored.


  1. Create a blank unit

  2. Copy TQM Master Unit 2020.1 into the blank unit → adding all framework components

  3. Copy Grades Template - 3 Assessment Tasks (Withdrawn / M / J) into the blank unit → adding a fully configured gradebook

  4. Add unit’s content, activities, assessments, communication tools etc.

  5. Link grade items to Connect summative assessment tasks (Assignment folders, Quizzes, or Discussions)


For more information on Grade Templates and associated grades configuration (including the process to update an existing unit to this grading model), please visit the unit linked above. Because grades are created by uploading the relevant premade grading templates it is generally unnecessary to manually create grades, however the following section outlines the Set Up Wizard and the steps required to manually set up grades if required.

Grade Items

Grade Items contain assessment results that are considered in a student’s final grade. They can be linked to Connect assessment tools (Assignment folders/Quizzes/Discussions) or can be entered manually to capture the results of offline assessments.


The assessment will be conducted on Connect using either the Assignments, Quizzes, or Discussions tool.






Offline Assessment Grade Item


In the Master Product sample, a file containing an assessment task instruction (on approved TQ template) should be uploaded to the assessment module. This file should be the SAME NAME as the grade item so that it is easily identified.







Connect Grades — Setup Wizard
