CW: Developing Assessments and Ed Docs

CW: Developing Assessments and Ed Docs

Click the links below for assessment and educational document templates:

 Ed Docs for 15-16 projects

Assessment Templates

Please download all required assessment templates from SPOT. Go to the link below and click on the "Templates" tab at access the list of files:

Assessment Templates

This is a useful guide to using the template documents: 123 FS C - Guide for the Use of Learning and Assessment Templates

Validation Templates

Please download all required assessment validation templates from SPOT. Go to the link below and click on the "Templates" tab at access the list of files:

 127 Validation of Assessment Procedure

Click on the Fact Sheets tab for a useful guide to using the template documents.

Accessing SPOT from locations outside the TAFE Queensland network

If you have a TAFE Queensland network account, you can connect to SPOT from locations outside the TAFE Queensland network. See Accessing SPOT from outside the TAFE Queensland network.

Zip File

If you cannot access SPOT please download this zip file containing the documents: Assessment Templates.

For instructions on how to unzip files in Windows 7 watch this video: How to Unzip a File or Folder in Windows 7

 Ed Docs for 14-15 projects


Microsoft Word Document Assessment Mapping Matrix.docxJan 20, 2016 by Kellie Shadwick

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Marking Benchmark Answers.docxJan 20, 2016 by Kellie Shadwick

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Marking Criteria.docxJan 20, 2016 by Kellie Shadwick

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Task Journal.docxJan 20, 2016 by Kellie Shadwick

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Task Knowledge Quiz.docxJan 20, 2016 by Kellie Shadwick

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Task Observation.docxJan 20, 2016 by Kellie Shadwick

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Task Written Test Exam.docxJan 20, 2016 by Kellie Shadwick

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Summary Single Unit.docxFeb 18, 2016 by Kellie Shadwick

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Summary Multiple Units.docxFeb 18, 2016 by Kellie Shadwick

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Task Portfolio of Evidence.docxFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Task Practical Skills.docxFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

Microsoft Word Document Assessment Task Third Party Report.docxFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

Microsoft Word Document Facilitator Guide.docxFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

Microsoft Word Document RPL Assessor Guide.docxFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

Microsoft Word Document RPL Candidate Guide.docxFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

Microsoft Word Document Unit of Competency Guide.docxFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

Microsoft Word Document Unit Study Guide.docxFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

Microsoft Word Document VPC Logbook.docxFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

ZIP Archive Ed_Docs_15_16.zipFeb 23, 2016 by Shira Nagel

ZIP Archive Assessment Templates.zipMar 07, 2016 by Shira Nagel

Assessment Mapping Matrix

When you are preparing the Assessment mapping matrix document for your units, ensure you use the template provided in SPOT. We require an assessment mapping matrix for every unit of competency. 

Having crosses or ticks in the columns is not sufficient and will not be accepted.  The question number needs to be against what it is covering in the unit of competency, this also applies to practical observation/tasks.

We also require every and all Performance criteria, Required Skills, Required Knowledge, Critical Aspect of Evidence or more recent version of each of these (some units have been updated) to have at least one item of assessment address them. Please also map Foundational Skills accordingly.

On submitting your assessment docs we will be checking assessments and ensuring all assessments have been addressed in the mapping matrix. If something is missing in the  assessment mapping matrix or not filled in completely we will be sending documents back to you immediately to be completed.

What assessments marking tools do I need?

All templates are available on SPOT which is available to all staff with a TAFE Queensland network account (see link at left).

Refer to this table to ensure you have all supporting marking tools for the assessment task submitted by you.

Assessment Instrument
Accompanying Marking tool(s)  (Used by the Assessor)
Test/Exam (123 TMP A)
Assessment Marking - Benchmark Answers ( 123 TMP G) *
Written (123 TMP E)
Assessment Marking Criteria (123 TMP H) *
If it questions have clear cut answers and are short question answers then please also provide: Assessment Marking - Benchmark Answers (123 TMP G)
Observation (123 TMP B)
n/a – assessment criteria embedded
If the Observation contains questions: Assessment Marking - Benchmark Answers (123 TMP G)
Portfolio of Evidence (123 TMP C)
Assessment Marking Criteria (123 TMP H)
Third Party Report (Workplace Observation) (123 TMP D)
Assessment Marking Criteria (123 TMP H)
Third Party Report (Peer Observation) (123 TMP P)
Assessment Marking Criteria (123 TMP H)
Training Record Book  (123 TMP I)
n/a – criteria embedded in unit sign off pages within TRB.
Vocational Placement Logbook (122 TMP E)
n/a – criteria embedded

* Use of the questions in the Test-Exam for Oral Assessments is captured under ‘reasonable adjustment’ in the ASC or ASS.