Each day at 5:30am, the Training LMS (https://traintafeqld.desire2learn.com/) is checked and updated with user data from the Connect Production environment. This information comes from Connect data in the TQ DataWarehouse, not directly from the live Connect environment.
This means when a TQ staff member is created at Connect at the Org Level by our Identity system, they will be automatically added to the Training environment within a day, without needing to manually create a new user account. However, users can still be created manually if needed.
To ensure that only current TAFE Staff are added to the Training environment, several parameters are checked:
Connect account is Active,
User is enrolled as using the Staff role (112),
User email address contains ‘@tafeqld.edu.au’, but not 'no_address@tafeqld.edu.au'
Username does not contain '@'
Username does not start with 'x',
Users surnames exists within their email address and
Users Username matches the Users OrgDefinedId.
These parameters are used to ensure that only TAFE Staff are included in the synchronization process.
Impact of synchronisation
All Users matching the above will:
Be created in the Training environment where they do not already exist,
Have the following fields updated if required:
First name
Middle name,
Last name,
Email Address
Be Deactivated in Training if they are Inactive in Connect.
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