2. Course Hub Overview

2. Course Hub Overview

The Overview page has standardised information about the course and a Qualification guide is to be attached. If the course hub is a Master most of the information is to be prepopulated by the Product Development Network. However, the teacher will always be required to download and update the information and reattach the Course Hub to the Overview prior to use.



Standard HTML for the Overview Page

<p><strong>Hi {FirstName}</strong></p> <p><strong>Welcome to {OrgUnitName}<br /></strong></p> <p><strong>What is this&nbsp;course&nbsp;about?<br /></strong>[developer/teacher includes a unit overview - which can be edited later by facilitator for delivery.]</p> <p><strong>Qualification<br /></strong>Link to <a href="https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/ " target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/</a>&nbsp;(will open in a new window).</p> <p><strong>What units will I study?<br /></strong>The units you will study online are available in Connect from the Unit search drop down box in the top menu bar.</p> <p>Best of luck with your studies!</p>

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