1. Course Hub Landing Page

The landing page has one standard announcement.

1. Welcome to the Placement Hub



Welcome to TAFE Queenland


Connect is the Learning Management System (LMS) which will provide you with a central online place to access your course resources and your teachers. 

Most of your course materials are provided for you within Connect. Your teacher will notify you if any part of this course is to be studied offline and if any other resources are required e.g. textbook purchase.

This Course Hub will give you all the information you need to get started with your course. Go to the 'Content' link in your navigation bar above to find out about studying at TAFE Queensland and studying in Connect.  

The Overview page contains information about your course, and each unit you have access to in Connect will have additional information about that specific unit within your course.

Your teacher will use this Announcements section on the landing page of this Course hub to share any information for your class group. 

We hope you enjoy studying with TAFE Queensland. 

Major Edit

Not checked


Show Start Date

Check - Always show start date.

Start Date

Insert Date

End Date

Do not check - Remove announcement based on end date.

End Date

Do not insert date.


No attachments

Additional Release Conditions

No conditions

HTML for Announcement

1<p>Connect is the Learning Management System (LMS) which will provide you with a central online place to access your course resources and your teachers.&nbsp;</p> 2<p>Most of your course materials are&nbsp;provided for you within Connect. Your teacher will notify you if any part of this course is to be studied offline and if any other resources are required e.g. textbook purchase.</p> 3<p>This&nbsp;<em>Course Hub</em> will give you all the information you need to get started with your course. Go to the 'Content' link in your navigation bar above to find out about studying at TAFE Queensland and studying in Connect. &nbsp;</p> 4<p>The <em>Overview&nbsp;</em>page contains information about your course, and each unit you have access to in Connect will have additional information about that specific unit within your course.</p> 5<p>Your teacher will use this <em>Announcements</em> section on the landing page of this Course hub to share any information for your class group.&nbsp;</p> 6<p>We hope you enjoy studying with TAFE Queensland.&nbsp;</p>