10 days prior to SOS = Student WILL NOT have access to unit or resources
5 days prior to SOS = Student WILL have access to content in unit, however WILL NOT have access to assessments, quizzes and discussions.
1 day prior to SOS = Student WILL have access to content, assessments, quizzes and discussions
Note: Pres-Sos role will also see widget message informing them of what they can or cannot see.
When a Connect unit is not yet opened:
Days prior to SOS | LMS Teams/e-Learning Services | Educators | Student Access to Content | Student Access to Assessments & Quizzes & Discussions | Summary |
10 days prior to SOS | Enrol a Student as Student PreSOS role in the Connect unit – eLearning Services team Build unit – Regional LMS team Enrol Educators – Regional LMS team Enrol SSO’s – Regional LMS team | Check content Create groups Create announcements Create intelligent agents Create conditional releases Prepare unit for delivery | NO | NO | Student WILL NOT have access to Connect unit or resources. Student WILL have access to Student Orientation Unit (If available). |
5 days prior to SOS | No Action | No action | YES | NO | Student WILL have access to content in the Connect unit. Student WILL NOT have access to assessments, quizzes and discussions. |
1 day prior to SOS | Change Student PreSOS role to Student role in the Connect unit – eLearning Services team
| No action | YES | YES | Student WILL have access to content, assessments, quizzes and discussions. |
When a Connect unit is already opened (For example rolling starts):
Days prior to SOS | LMS Team/e-Learning Services | Educators | Student Access to Content | Student Access to Assessments & Quizzes & Discussions | Summary |
5 days prior to SOS | Enrol a Student as Student PreSOS role in the Connect unit – eLearning Services team | No action | YES | NO | Student WILL have access to content in the unit. Student WILL NOT have access to assessments, quizzes and discussions. |
1 day prior to SOS | Change Student PreSOS role to Student role in the Connect unit – eLearning Services team
| No action | YES | YES | Student WILL have access to content, assessments, quizzes and discussions. |
Communicating to a student who is enrolled as a Student PreSOS role in the Connect unit:
Communication Type | Educator to Student | Student to Educator | Summary |
Announcements | YES | Not applicable | Student PreSOS role WILL be able to see announcements in the Connect unit UNLESS otherwise setup with restrictions. NOTE: Students who have previously studied with us or have adjusted their notification settings can get email notifications from Announcements. (Dependent on Student’s individual notification settings AND the Announcement restrictions) |
Intelligent Agents | YES | Not applicable | Using the Intelligent Agents, Educator WILL be able to send email to Student PreSOS role. (Ensure the agent contains the correct role criteria to be direct at the Student PreSOS) |
Instant messages tool in the Connect unit | YES | *Not unless first contacted by Educator | Educator WILL be able to send instant messages to Student PreSOS role in a Connect unit. *Students with the Student PreSOS role WILL ONLY be able to reply to instant messages sent from Educator in Connect units and are unable to start the message. |
Email tool from Classlist area | YES | NO | Student PreSOS role WILL NOT be able to access the Classlist tool or the email tool from the Connect unit. Educator WILL be able to send emails from the Classlist area. |
Email tool in the Connect unit | YES | NO | Student PreSOS role WILL NOT be able to access the email tool from the Connect unit. Educator WILL be able to send emails to students by using the Email tool from within the Connect unit. |
NOTE: Whilst students are unable to access the email tool in units they where they are enrolled as the Student PreSOS role. Students can continue to do so in other units where they are enrolled as a Student role.
Connect Change Notification – Student PreSOS Role
What is changing?
Following a review of our Connect student lifecycle which pertains to the process of enrolling students into Connect units based on their enrolments in the SMS, a new role will be created within Connect. We will be introducing a new student role titled the ‘Student PreSOS’ role. This change is a first step to achieving continuous access to learning resources for students for the full duration of their course of study.
What is it?
The Student PreSOS role is similar to the Student COS role.
It allows a student to access a Connect unit and review learning material, but restricts their access to Assignments, Quizzes and Discussions.
Why is it being introduced?
Students are enrolled into their Connect units 10 days prior to their Start of Study date unless, eg. for rolling enrolments, the Connect unit is already open in which case they are enrolled 1 day prior to their Start of Study date.
This allows teachers and support staff to check students are in the Classlist and set up Groups, prior to the Connect unit being opened for students to access.
Recently the TAFE Queensland Executive team decided to allow students 5 days early access to their learning material.
To allow for this, and to prevent students also having early access to their assessments, the Student PreSOS role has been introduced.
How will it work?
This role will be applied as follows:
Where the Connect Unit is not open:
Students are enrolled 10 days prior to SOS using the Student PreSOS role.
The Connect Unit is opened 5 days prior to SOS
Role changed to Student 1 day prior to SOS
Where the Connect Unit is already open:
Students are enrolled 5 days prior to SOS using the Student PreSOS role. -
Role changed to Student 1 day prior to SOS
The Student PreSOS role will be available for use in Release Conditions to aid in the set up of Intelligent Agents and Announcements for new students.
Delivery staff will also be able to identify new students in their Connect units (except in the case of late enrolments where Students will continue to be enrolled directly as Student if the SOS date has passed).
Students enrolled using the PreSOS role will see a message when they view a unit. This message says:
“Hi {firstname},
Welcome to your new unit {unitname}!
We’ve given you early access to your learning material but you won’t be able to see or attempt any assessment items, or engage in any discussions, until your start of study date.
We wish you all the best with your studies.”
The Assessment and Discussions modules in each Connect Unit will also be hidden from the Student PreSOS role.
When is this change being introduced?
The Student PreSOS role will be introduced this week Friday the 26th of June 2020. The change to allow 5 days early access to learning material will occur at the same time.
When is it happening?
Friday, 26 June 2020
Will there be an outage?
No, the change will occur without interruption to services.
Who do I need to tell?
All users of Connect.