For Wikimedia Content: Copy the CC license from the image page to include in the attribution as it includes a link to the appropriate license.

Author’s name, ‘Title of work’,
http://www.originalsourcelink, accessed dd/mm/yy
Available under a Creative Commons 2.0 Attribution licence:

<div class="thumbnail with-caption">
  <img alt="Image of a stream" class="img-responsive" src="image.jpg" />
  <small>Image of a stream" title="Author's name, 'Title of work', http://www.originalsourcelink, accessed dd/mm/yy, Available under a Creative Commons 2.0 Attribution licence:</small>

Author's Name, ‘Title of work’,
http://www.originalsourcelink, accessed dd/mm/yy,
Available under a Creative Commons 2.0 Attribution licence: